Municipality of Kočevje

Welcome to Kočevje!

Kočevje is the economic, tourism, cultural and educational centre of the Kočevsko region.

The Municipality of Kočevje is the largest municipality in the Republic of Slovenia; it occupies an area of ​​555.4 km2, and counts up to 86 settlements, with about 16,000 inhabitants. The size of the municipality also includes restrictions; maintenance of a demanding infrastructure network due to dispersed settlement, and the inherited distance from the capital city of Ljubljana, which is also reflected in the emigration of young people and the major efforts in attracting new investment.

Kočevsko is one of the most naturally preserved regions of Slovenia and Central Europe. As much as 90% of the province is covered by forests, dominated by dinaric forests of fir and beech. We are particularly proud of the six preserved virgin remains, among which the Krokar primeval forest in 2017 was also included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Kočevsko is marked by a special history. For nearly 600 years, it was inhabited by the Germans from Gottscheer, who represented a cultural and linguistic island in the middle of Slovenian territory. Memories are still living today, most of which are stored in the Provincial Museum. It is home to the former Sokol home, today the Šešek home (Šeškov dom), where a gathering of delegates from the Slovene nation was held in 1943. Kočevsko was marked by post-war events, including sloths in Kočevski Rog in 1945, the creation of an extensive protected area with special significance and underground facilities, which can be seen today. We are extremely proud of the role of Kočevsko in the war for independence and independent Slovenia, since it was precisely with us that the Manoeuvre Structure of National Protection was founded, without which it would not be possible to defend the independence of Slovenia.